Friday, January 28, 2022

Rearranged Setup

 I decided to rearrange my office space to maximize my artistic output and inspiration this semester. Open space to hang up projects I'm particularly proud of, my very paint-stained desk nice and close to my (not pictured) window for natural light, and a new desk chair, since all my classes are online and I'll be spending most of my life at my desk. 

Not a particularly interesting update, but one I wanted to share nonetheless! I have more art supplies I would like to get for this class, but I've got the needed essentials, so it's go time! 

PS, don't mention how messy the wires under my desk are, I ran out of zip-ties to organize them nicely lol.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Meet The Artist

  Hi there! My preferred name is Kyp, and my pronouns are he/him! I am a 2nd-year student majoring in Humanities, with an emphasis in ancient history. I enjoy talking with others and helping people as much as I can. Here are a couple photos of me!

I am excited to be working on practicing perspectives and dynamic poses, as they are something I'm not so good with. My relationship with art is complicated, as it is my hobby, and also my job. Having it be my job sometimes ruins art for me, and I'm trying to remedy that. Art is something my father encouraged me to do, and he was my biggest fan. He would get whatever I needed to help me be creative, despite the fact we were so poor, and my art was not a necessity. He still did what he could for me. He got me my first gig, at the age of 9; a small comic strip for a friend's webpage. He was so proud of my talent and wanted to help me flourish despite our very difficult life.
Here is a photo he took in 2012. It was the last birthday I celebrated with him, as he passed away a month later due to a heart attack. These events, combined with my childhood in poverty and rocky home life, lead to me developing C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and FND (Functional Neurological Disorder), which have left me disabled. My mother is my guardian angel and allows me to work from home, selling my art to make it through. For me, art is therapy, and my art is my family, the only family other than my mom and pets that I have left. I hope this class can reignite that youthful love I used to have for art, at least a little bit.