Sunday, February 27, 2022

Personal 1

 This is some personal artwork I did today. I don't know why I felt like sharing this one rather than my other works, perhaps it's just because it's a very open and honest piece. I won't delve into my intentions and emotions behind it, but feel free to interpret it as you will.

This is HB graphite, soft pastel, and acrylic on 14x17 inch paper.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Sketchbook B

 I'll be honest, I have no clue if I did this exercise right, but I really like my work this time. Mostly because I did it while hanging out with my mom, and we had fun with it.

This is my mirror self-portrait. I've been sick as a dog, so I look a mess, but honestly, that's why I like this self-portrait so much. It's honest. I struggle with self-image, as do many, and drawing what you see in the mirror can be a strange experience emotionally.
Here is an item special to me, my Poplio Pokemon plushie. I grew up playing Pokemon, so anything related to it brings me back to my youth and puts a smile on my face.
Here is my food still life. Carrots, butter, an orange, and a grapefruit. It was genuinely the only items in my fridge that arent leftovers of some kind. A kind reminder that I should probably go grocery shopping.

Assignment 1

 I'd like to start this entry by wishing everyone a happy valentines day. I hope yours was lovely. I unfortunately almost went to the hospital today, after a few weeks of medical complications, but I'll leave that at that. Let's get into the assignment. Here are my sketches, in order of amount of time allotted:

I will be honest in saying I'm not particularly proud of any of these, and I was physically incapable of doing 9 and 10 minutes standing, so those pieces are missing. There was a large time gap between the 7 and 8-minute drawings, as I stopped at the 7 minutes drawing the day before I got Covid. Ever since I had gotten Covid, it has been worsening other issues for me and has been emotionally taxing. This gives me a fondness for my 8-minute sketch of my dearly loved cat. The sketches before I fell ill were very run-of-the-mill, clean, and technical, whereas my 8-minute drawing felt much more loose and personal. The longer I stood to draw, the more it started to hurt, and I found comfort in my cat's dreamy resting face. My lines have more character and emotion behind them, and though they strayed from proper technique, I'm much happier with the product that is 8 than the rest. Maybe it's just me being proud I was able to push through how awful I feel in order to make something. I'm not certain, but now I will get onto more "technical" critiques, rather than just my feeling. I believe as time went on, my lines got much heavier from repeatedly passing the same spots, which is a flaw I managed to correct a bit in my 6,7, and 8. I can tell my inner cartoonist is struggling with not drawing chunky lines and doing cell shading, as those are what come to me naturally. I think I did a decent job with silhouettes and shapes, but my shading and texture work could use some improvement and practice.

I hope these are what was being looked for, I will be honest that I struggled with directions. I should have reached out and asked for help, but it is late for that now. I will do better next time.

I hope in a few posts I'm in good health, and you guys will be able to see proper performance out of me. Have a lovely week.